Melatonin Vape Juice: Is It An Effective Sleep Aid?
June 23, 2022

We all know that humans possess an internal clock (or the circadian rhythm) that regulates our biological function, emotions, and sleep cycle. But most people don’t know about the hormone that helps our bodies regulate this internal clock. Melatonin is that hormone. The pineal gland inside our bodies secretes this hormone in our bloodstream during the night. According to the National Sleep Foundation, people mostly use melatonin supplements to fall asleep and improve their sleep quality. These supplements can also help with sleep disorders, jet lag, insomnia, and delayed sleep phase syndrome. There are several ways to include melatonin in your life. These include pills, gummies, and melatonin vape juice.
Vaping melatonin is becoming a new favorite option for its consumers. Most people now prefer melatonin vape juice to derive the benefits without experiencing any considerable side effects. Moreover, vaping melatonin offers a higher dose than a tablet.
This article will discuss everything you need to know about melatonin vape juice and its effectiveness in helping you sleep better. Firstly, we have described the compound melatonin and its importance for sleep. If you are on medication for other conditions, you can find a list of medicines with which melatonin can react negatively. Lastly, if you want to fall asleep faster and better, give this article a read as soon as you can!
Importance of Melatonin For Sleep
Melatonin lies at the center of our bodies’ sleep-wake cycles and, thus, is often called the sleep hormone. Our bodies increase the production of melatonin as the night approaches. This hormone is responsible for orienting our circadian rhythm to promote a healthy sleep cycle. Even though our bodies produce melatonin, several people still suffer from sleep disorders and difficulties. Consequently, a few companies started selling melatonin supplements such as liquids, capsules, tablets, gummies, and vape juice.
Melatonin supplements come under a wide range of dietary supplements and are an addition to our daily diet. As mentioned above, the melatonin produced by our bodies effectively helps us get quality sleep. But if you still face sleeping difficulties, try melatonin supplements like vape juice to address the issue.
Some Research Indicating How Melatonin Can Affect Your Sleep
Even several research studies have confirmed that melatonin supplements can help most adults and children sleep quickly and better.
A research study has reported that melatonin is most effective in helping people who suffer from Delayed Sleep-Wake Phase Disorder (DSWPD). DSWPD is a disorder of the circadian rhythm of our bodies that shifts our sleep schedule to later hours. If you suffer from this disorder, you will fall asleep and wake up later than you want, resulting in a “night owl” schedule. It gets worse if you have school or work to go to the next day as you would have to wake up early. In this case, you won’t be able to get enough sleep. The study showed that if people suffering from DSWPD take low doses of melatonin before their desired bedtime, it can shift their sleep cycle forward. It helps them avoid waking up late at night.
Another research study on people with jet lag reported that consuming melatonin supplements can potentially improve their sleep. Jet lag occurs when you continuously travel across several time zones, like intercontinental flights. Due to this, your body’s internal clock may become misaligned with your sleep cycle at your home. The study shows that melatonin can help reset the sleep-wake schedule of people experiencing jet lag after constant traveling.
If you are a shift worker and work throughout the night, your circadian rhythm might get misaligned and result in sleep problems. Some people going through the same issue have reported that melatonin has benefitted them. However, melatonin’s effectiveness in tackling insomnia still needs more research. Most studies conducted till now have been inconclusive. Some scientists have found some evidence favoring melatonin in a research study, but nothing is concrete right now.
Is Melatonin Vape Juice An Effective Sleep Aid?
Can vaping melatonin vape juice help your sleep issues? The answer is yes! The melatonin levels in our bodies increase with each inhale of its vape juice. It takes about five to ten puffs to inhale 133 mcg of melatonin. This much melatonin can regulate your sleep effectively. According to a survey in the United States Of America, about 70 million people have developed sleeping disorders. Thus, melatonin vape juice can be effective in helping these people. For the best results, people should couple vaping melatonin with kava and dim lights at night to relieve their anxiety and stress and sleep peacefully.
How Does Melatonin Work In Our Bodies?
You must be wondering how a melatonin vape works on your body to induce sleep. After five to ten inhales, 133 mcg of melatonin gets released into your body’s bloodstream through your lungs. Once the melatonin mixes with your bloodstream, it is quickly broken down and absorbed by the blood cells. Consequently, your body gets induced into a sleepy state. This direct exposure of your bloodstream to melatonin enhances the quality of your sleep. This way, your body can fully repair itself and rest to give you a fresh start the next day.
Why Should You Prefer Melatonin Vape Juice As A Sleeping Aid?
It would be easy for you to include melatonin vapes in your lifestyle. It is because these vapes are easy to carry around and portable. Thus, you can travel anywhere and still sleep peacefully at night if you have your melatonin vape with you. It can be a better alternative to hard-hitting and dangerous sleeping pills. Moreover, taking melatonin pills might make you feel sick and depressed. However, on the other hand, vaping melatonin can be a fun activity that benefits you simultaneously. And have you heard about all the incredible flavors manufacturers are offering for this product nowadays? Watermelon, strawberry, mango, and blueberry are just some of these, and we bet they have already got your mouth watering! For more information, you can watch the video below:
How to Consume Melatonin Vape Juice?
You can consume melatonin vape juice with a vape pen. Melatonin vape pens help deliver the substance into your lungs. Are you new to vaping? Well, here is how it works. Activate the vape by either pressing the button or inhaling near the opening. Once the vape pen is on, it will activate a heating device that runs on batteries. This device will heat the liquid in the cartridge or chamber and vaporize it. Now you can inhale this vapor into your lungs and wait for some time. After about fifteen minutes, you will feel the melatonin kicking in your bloodstream.
The Difference Between Melatonin Vape And Pills
You can consume melatonin through both pills and vapes. Both will transfer melatonin into your body and help you sleep better. However, there are some differences between melatonin vaping and melatonin pills:
Vaping Melatonin Directly Transfers the Substance Into Our Bloodstreams
The first and most crucial difference is that melatonin vapes directly transfer the substance into your bloodstream. On the other hand, melatonin pills lose many of their ingredients and nutrients while passing through the digestive system. Inhaling melatonin vape juice transfers the substance to your bloodstream via your lungs. This way, the compounds of the vape juice bypass your digestive system, and your body can absorb more nutrients.
Melatonin Pills Show Their Effects After Some Time
The biggest downside of edibles like melatonin pills and gummies is that their effects take a long time to show up. For example, your body may take 45 to 60 minutes to extract melatonin from a single pill. On the other hand, you can feel the melatonin affecting your body within minutes of vaping it.
Effects of Melatonin Vape Juice Last Longer
Vaping melatonin is the most effective way of consuming the substance. It is because people who consume melatonin pills or gummies have reported that the effects of these products don’t last long. The impact of a melatonin vape, on the other hand, can last much longer and reduce your need to inhale the substance repeatedly.
Vaping Melatonin Results in Easy Absorption
As vaping melatonin transfers the substance into your lungs instead of your stomach, your bloodstream absorbs the substance easily and quickly. On the other hand, melatonin pills have to travel your whole digestive system. Thus, it is more difficult for your bloodstream to break down the tablet and extract melatonin. It results in complex and delayed absorption.
Is It Safe To Use Melatonin Vape Juice?
There have been a few studies on the side effects of vaping melatonin till now. Taking melatonin pills can result in constant fatigue, mental confusion, drowsiness, and decreased libido.
As per consumer reports, the side effects of vaping melatonin range from dizziness, nausea, drowsiness, and headaches. Although, all these side effects are low in intensity and easily manageable. However, some people even experience depression, tremors, anxiety, irritability, abdominal pain, confusion, disorientation, and low blood pressure. You can try using vape juice with caffeine as it might help with sleep. Only a few consumers of melatonin vape juice have reported these severe side effects. But if you experience any of these effects on your body, you should immediately consult your doctor.
If you are on some medications, there is a slight chance that vaping melatonin can cause severe reactions in your body. Melatonin can produce these reactions if you consume it with medicines like anticoagulants, anti-platelets, anticonvulsants, contraceptive drugs, diabetes medications, and immunosuppressants. We advise you to avoid vaping melatonin if you consume any of these medicines. Moreover, we won’t recommend using melatonin vape juice if you are less than 18 years old.
Another vital thing to note is that till now, using melatonin vape juice has not been approved by the FDA. Consequently, the melatonin vape juice market is highly unregulated. You need to pay extra attention to finding an effective, high-quality, safe product. For this, try to ensure that you buy your product from a trusted vendor with a significant reputation. Getting your product from a shady vendor only to save a few bucks can put your health at risk.
As the research around the effects and side effects of melatonin vaping is still ongoing, the product remains a relatively new phenomenon. Scientists and FDA are still trying to understand this product and its long-term implications on the health of its consumers.
However, the research conducted till today and several consumer reports have made melatonin a popular product in today’s world. You can easily find this product online and choose from several manufacturers. Though melatonin supplements might be more popular than vape juice, the latter gives quick results, easy absorption, and fewer side effects. Although, the lack of regulation might make it challenging to find a safe and effective brand for buying melatonin vape juice. Always carefully read the instructions on the product’s label and never exceed its prescribed dosage. Excess of anything is not good, and overdosing on a product as new as melatonin vape juice can put your life at severe risk.
Thus, do careful and thorough research before choosing the brand and deciding your dosage. Consulting your doctor and people who have experience using melatonin vape juice can also do wonders for you. You should also note any severe side effects and know when to stop. However, once you overcome all these obstacles, the road to quality sleep will be much easier to cross. Our lives demand hard work and attentiveness, and we can only achieve these things when we have had enough rest. Quality sleep is a requirement for a stress-free and successful life. And while our bodies try their best to induce sleep naturally, consuming melatonin vape juice can give them the much-needed push. So, why are you still waiting? Do your research and try this easy and effective method as soon as you can to get your beauty sleep!

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