What Are Vape Atomizer Tanks And Why Do You Need It?

September 24, 2021

vape atomizer tanks

Vaping has emerged as a viral trend, and people across various age groups are experimenting with it. Vaping encompasses the use of electric equipment like vape pens, tanks, pods, mods, and other electronic devices to deliver nicotine or other substance to the body. These devices simulate a cigarette-like effect using aerosolized vapor instead of smoke. As per an estimate, there are around 55 million vaping device users across the globe, and roughly 1 in every 20 Americans uses a vaping device. Keeping the demand for vaping devices in mind, manufacturers have developed unique devices and kits to enhance a person’s vaping experience. Vape atomizer tanks are vital components that form part of a vaping device, and this post will help you understand their working and features.

vape atomizer tanks

Via: https://pixabay.com/photos/smoke-vape-art-slow-motion-alone-2636848/

What are vape atomizer tanks? How do vape atomizer tanks work?

A vape tank is a part of any vaping device that holds the vape juice and the coil that heats up to create vapors from the liquid. The tank is an essential part of any vaping device as it is responsible for creating and delivering vapors. However, not all vape tanks are similar. While most of the tanks do perform similar work, they are different in other ways like power, holding capacity and intensity of vapors. As far as a vape atomizer tank is concerned, it is a device that emits vapors of e-liquid. In simple terms, it is the atomizer that transforms the vape juice into vapor. 

The atomizers work in a very simple way. The tank contains the e-liquid of the user’s choosing and a coil. This coil is attached to the atomizer’s build deck, which acts as a heat conductor connected to the battery, which helps generate heat. This helps heat the e-liquid inside the tank and converts liquid into vapors. 

There are different types of atomizers available in the market. For example, some tanks have a single-coil, while others can support double coils; these atomizers vary in size and are typically around 23-25 millimeters. Additionally, the airflow holes in the atomizer will determine the size of the clouds that a user will be able to generate. 

vape atomizer tanks

Via: https://pixabay.com/photos/e-cigarette-vaping-blu-cigs-blu-1301670/

Why do we need vape atomizer tanks?

  • We need an atomizer tank to hold the coil:

The working of the vaping device depends on the atomizer’s effectiveness. The atomizer is the key component that enables a person to vape the liquid stored in the tank. As we know, the vapor needs to be heated to create liquid vapors, and it is the atomizer that holds the coil which acts as the heat conductor and in turn heats the e-liquid that is stored in the tank. Therefore, we need an atomizer tank to hold the coil that heats the liquid.

  • The atomizer is necessary to heat the liquid: 

Even though the atomizer holds the heating liquid, it is essential to understand that the atomizer is located in the tank that holds the e-liquid. Since the atomizer has a single or double coil that is connected to the battery when the device is switched on, the e-liquid in the tank starts heating up faster. Thus we need the atomizer as it connects the coil with liquid to create vapors. Maintaining the right amount of e-liquid in the tank is essential, as a lower amount of liquid will expose the coil and create a burnt-like smell and aftertaste.

If you have an rebuildable dripping atomizer (RDA) , you will have to keep adding the liquid when it gets dry. However, if you have an rebuildable tank atomizer (RTA) , you just have to fill up the tank and refill it when it turns empty. But with the buildable dripping tank atomizer (RDTA), you get both options.

  • The atomizer controls the size of the vape cloud:

After the production of vapors, they need a place from where they can flow out and then finally, the user can inhale them. Therefore, airflow holes are added to a vaping device to allow the flow of vapors, and these airflow holes determine the amount of vapor that goes out and the size of the vape cloud that is created. These airflow holes are located on the atomizer, and therefore we need the atomizer to control the cloud size of the vapors.

Things to keep in mind about a vape atomizer tank

  • Maintain e-liquid levels:

There are three different types of atomizers in the market. So, you need to maintain the e-liquids based on the kind of atomizer you have:

  1. Rebuildable dripping atomizer (RDA): Requires frequent dripping of liquid whenever it is running dry.
  2. Rebuildable tank atomizer (RTA): Requires the user to fill the tank with liquid and requires refill only when the tank is dry.
  3. Rebuildable dripping tank atomizer (RDTA): Works both ways, as mentioned above.

Maintaining the right level of e-liquid is very important as lack of liquid can create an unpleasant burnt aftertaste or reduce the life of the coil.

  • Keep an eye on the coil condition: 

When your vapors start leaving a burnt aftertaste, the device makes a gurgling sound, or the vapors do not form properly; it is a sign that the coil is not working correctly. Thus, even though the atomizer has a long shelf-life, the coil only lasts a couple of weeks, as it gradually loses its absorption capability. For this reason, most of the coils are replaceable. 

  • Control airflow:

Most atomizer tanks have adjustable air holes to control and manage airflow. Therefore you can adjust the amount of flow with the help of the atomizer.

  • Maintaining the quality of an atomizer:

A person can do a few things to keep an atomizer in working order. These include storing it in a place where it won’t fall or be knocked down. Additionally, by maintaining the level of e-liquid and replacing the coils before they become dry, you can enhance the life of your atomizer tank. 

Final Words

It is an established fact now that atomizers are very important to vape. They are the components that act as a bridge between the vaping liquid and the final vapors that a user inhales. Their function is crucial and very straightforward. These atomizer tanks have a long shelf life if you store and carry them properly. So, the next time someone mixes up vaping words or are confused about how atomizers or a vaping device works, you can tell them how.

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