How To Add Nicotine Into Ready-To-Vape Juice Bottles?

June 25, 2022

how to add nicotine to vape juice

The demand for vaping products has seen an exponential rise. The manufacturers offer various vaping liquids infused with various compounds and substances. While several high-quality vaping liquid bottles from reliable manufacturers already contain nicotine, there is a possibility that a user may not prefer the aroma or flavor of the vape juice. Under such circumstances, it is crucial to highlight that users can add nicotine to ready-to-vape bottles. A person needs to follow only a few simple and easy-to-follow steps if they wish to know how to add nicotine to vape juice?

how to add nicotine in vape juice


How To Add Nicotine To Your Vape Juice? 

Due to growing awareness regarding health and wellbeing amongst users, there is a significant shift amongst users who are now opting for vaping devices rather than conventional cigarettes. There can be multiple reasons behind the interest of a person in adding nicotine to their ready-to-use vaping bottle. It could be because the liquid you are vaping contains a nicotine level that is not in line with your requirement, or you are looking to add nicotine to a zero nicotine mix that you enjoy but does not contain nicotine, or you wish to make your DIY vape juice.

Before we understand how to add nicotine to a vape juice bottle, we must have a basic understanding of the compound. Nicotine is a chemical compound that contains nitrogen.You can extract the compound from plants or produced synthetically in labs. The compound has both a stimulating and sedating effect.

Multiple pieces of research have highlighted that a user can experience the effects of nicotine more effectively by smoking and vaping it. Therefore, people are looking for ways to infuse nicotine into their beautifully packaged vape bottles. Infusing nicotine in their favorite flavored and ready-to-use vape bottles will allow the user to experience the benefits and effects of nicotine in a flavorful and aromatic way. The process of doing this is pretty straightforward, and users can do it by following the below-mentioned steps.

4 Instructions To Follow While Adding Nicotine: 

So, if you are an enthusiast of vaping nicotine, there are a few different options that you may explore. The most accessible and most influential of them is to add high-quality nicotine to your favorite vape juice yourself. Below are four easy-to-follow instructions to help users infuse nicotine into their favorite high-quality, ready-to-use vape bottle. Follow these steps, and you can mix nicotine into your favorite vape juice bottle.

how to add nicotine in vape juice

1. Use A Short-fill Vape Bottle: 

The first step to follow when infusing nicotine in a ready-to-use vape juice bottle is to find an appropriate and good-quality bottle. Seasoned users and experts recommend using a short-fill bottle for mixing nicotine with ready-to-use vape juice. A short-fill vape bottle is a bottle that contains anywhere between 50 to 100 ml of vape juice in it. As the name suggests, the bottle has some vacant space after filling it with e-liquid or vaping juice. Instead, it has some space in it. Mainly, short-fill vape bottles contain nicotine-free vape liquid. Space left in the bottle allows users to add high-quality nicotine to it before vaping it. Users generally mix a fixed amount of nicotine as per their preference to the short-fill bottle. Under most circumstances, the short-fill bottles have around 10 ml of space vacant for users to add nicotine.

Therefore, the most appropriate bottle a user can use to mix nicotine and their favorite vape juice would be a short-fill bottle. A short-fill bottle is the most appropriate option that the user can explore. While users can use other containers and bottles for doing the same, short-fill bottles have an edge. These bottles are filled with high-quality, ready-to-use vape juice and are available in a wide range of flavors and aromas. These bottles ensure that the vape juice is stored well and is not exposed to extreme weather conditions or heat.

2. Use Pliers To Remove The Plastic Nozzle: 

In the second step, a person needs to adjust the bottle opening to add nicotine. Since short fill bottles are closed with a tight lid to avoid adulteration and contamination, a person must open them with extreme care and caution. To prevent any spillage and contamination, a person who wishes to infuse nicotine in ready-to-use vape juice bottles must remove the plastic nozzle of the bottle using a plier. Pliers are delicate instruments used to work on equipment that needs care and precision when handling. The person must use a clean and sanitized pier to remove the plastic nozzle. It is crucial to avoid any unnecessary spillage of the vape juice contained in the bottle while removing the lid.

Exposure to extreme heat, light, and moisture can deteriorate the vape juice’s quality. Furthermore, a person must avoid excessive contact with the vape liquid to prevent contamination. Users must not keep the liquid inside the bottle exposed for long and use a plier to gently remove the nozzle without exposing the product to adverse conditions.

how to add nicotine in vape juice

3. Pour The Nicotine Shot Steadily: 

As the next step, you should now pour the high-quality nicotine inside the bottle. Pouring the nicotine inside the bottle steadily is vital to avoid any spillage. Exposing the vape liquid to light, heat, and oxygen can impact its effectiveness. Therefore, you should perform this step with care and caution. Furthermore, it is essential to note that a person must consume nicotine in a specific amount only. Therefore to prevent any spillage or pour an amount of nicotine that is either less or more than the prescribed dose, a person must pour the nicotine shots steadily. A person must consume nicotine in a prescribed amount and not overindulge. Many online resources specify the amount of nicotine that a user should mix in a certain amount of vape liquid. In addition to this, a person can consult an expert to come up with the amount of nicotine that they can use.

4. Remember To Shake The Bottle Firmly: 

As the last and final step, a person who wishes to infuse nicotine into a ready-to-use vape bottle must shake the bottle firmly after adding the nicotine to it. Once a user has added the prescribed amount of nicotine, they must shake the bottle to ensure the compound is well mixed with the other vape juice. For a practical and smooth experience, all the ingredients must be well-infused. It is essential to understand that the short-fill bottles have a specific amount of space that remains vacant in those portals for users to add nicotine or any other product to their convenience and preference. Apart from the steps mentioned above, a person should ensure that they are using high-quality products and not exposing the products to adulterating agents, heat, and moisture. 

Following these steps, a person can easily mix nicotine in their favorite ready-to-use vape bottle without spilling or contaminating the products. The steps are easy to follow and do not require complicated techniques or products. The user must remain careful not to spill the ready-to-use juice, not contaminate it, add an excessive amount of nicotine, and shake it well before use.

how to add nicotine in vape juice

Which E Liquid Base To Choose?

The nicotine available in the market for users to mix into vaping liquids is primarily in liquid form. The two terms that are often used when referring to such liquids are VG and PG. They are odorless liquids often infused with flavor/aroma agents and nicotine to create unique vaping juices. These are well known as bases for a liquid product, producing vapor when exposed to heat. Therefore, a person must understand these bases before choosing between them.

1. PG Base: 

The word PG stands for Propylene Glycol. Propylene Glycol is a petroleum by-product with no odor or color and is not very dense. Experts and the FDA consider products with a Propylene Glycol base safe for human consumption. With manufacturers offering flavored vaping liquids, the demand for Propylene Glycol has risen as it carries flavors more effectively than other bases. Seasoned users and experts suggest that the throat hit that a person experiences while vaping is often due to the presence of Propylene Glycol as the base. 

As far as its use in terms of nicotine is concerned, Propylene Glycol is the most commonly used base. Generally, Propylene Glycol base nicotine products come with an intense nicotine concentration; therefore, users prefer using PG base nicotine as it allows them to get the required results in a relatively more minor product. In addition, Propylene Glycol base nicotine is comparatively easy to store, has a substantially longer shelf life, and does not clog the device’s coils. Propylene Glycol is an excellent option for users looking for value for money, versatility, flexibility, and an easy-to-store store option.

2. VG Base: 

VG or Vegetable Glycerin is derived from vegetable oils and is a natural chemical. The base has a sweet profile, is comparatively dense, and gives a strong and thick Vapor. People believe the base to be safe for human consumption as it does not irritate the lungs or eyes of users. Compared to a Propylene Glycol base, a person can experience thick clouds with Vegetable Glycerin. It is vital to note that only a few brands offer nicotine with a Vegetable Glycerin base. Users can use a Vegetable Glycerin base if they are interested in using it as a sugar replacement and want a smooth vaping experience.

Several vaping enthusiasts who often experiment with vaping liquids with different bases suggest that since Vegetable Glycerin is thick in comparison with Propylene Glycol, it tends to clog up coils more rapidly. Furthermore, the product may not be suitable for DIY projects and has a low shelf life.

3. PG/VG Base: 

Another base option for gaining a vast user base is the PG/VG base. Even though the base is not as common as the individual Vegetable Glycerin or Propylene Glycol base, many sellers offer users high-quality PG/VG bases. A premium mix of PG and VG, it does not require the user to add sugar. This particular base is ideal for mixing with existing mixes and acts as an excellent doubler. Furthermore, its consistency does not clog the coils and does not cut the life of vaping devices. Another advantage of the base is that you can use it to neutralize intense flavors. It can also help reduce nicotine strength for users who wish to cut back on nicotine use.

The basic features and properties of bases like Propylene Glycol, Vegetable Glycerin, and PG/VG are easy to understand and appreciate. All the bases work in unique ways, each having advantages and disadvantages. However, before picking any particular base for your nicotine vaping experience, a person should explore their preferences and various combinations. 

Users must consider vital factors like whether the vaping device and coils can deal with the consistency of Propylene Glycol, Vegetable Glycerin, and PG/VG base. There are no hard and fast rules; when picking up bases, users must follow what their taste buds tell them! The strength and sharpness of the base and the experience it offers.

how to add nicotine in vape juice



With many people opting for vaping over smoking, the demand for vaping liquid infused with nicotine is high. However, some people like to experiment by adding nicotine to their favorite flavored vape juice or DIY vape juice. As mentioned above, there can be various reasons why a person wants to infuse nicotine in their favorite vape liquid. 

Adding nicotine to a ready-to-use vape liquid of their preference is an excellent option for such people. This option offers flexibility, versatility, and effective control over the amount of nicotine they’re consuming. A person can choose a Vegetable Glycerin and Propylene Glycol base, depending on their preference, while adding nicotine to the web juice. In addition, a person can add high-quality nicotine to their favorite ready-to-use bottle as per their preference and consume it in a prescribed manner given by their medical expert. 

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